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China & World Economy Volume 27 Number 5 September–October 2019
2019-12-02 15:30:00

China & World Economy Volume 27 Number 5 September–October 2019


What Determines China’s Grain Imports and Self-suffi ciency? The Role of Rising Domestic Costs and Varying World Market Prices
Wusheng Yu, Tianxiang Li, Jing Zhu 1

Geographic Spread of Currency Trading: The Renminbi and Other Emerging Market Currencies
Yin-Wong Cheung, Robert N McCauley, Chang Shu 25

China’s Overinvestment and International Trade Confl icts
Gunther Schnabl 37

Reshaping Global Order in the 21st Century: G-Plus Leadership in a Multiplex World
Amitav Acharya, Antoni Estevadeordal, Louis W. Goodman 63

Pain or Gain? Chinese Experience of Capital Account Liberalization
Hongfeng Peng, Jingwen Yu 79

Can China’s Diplomatic Partnership Strategy Benefi t Outward Foreign Direct Investment?
Churen Sun, Yaying Liu 108