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Table of Contents
World Economics and Politics 2024,No.6
2024-06-27 09:38:00

3 Theoretical End Not Yet Come: From “ Transatlantic Debate” to “ Transpacific Dialogue”
  Yuan Zhengqing Gu Xiangyu
40 Symbolic Power and the “ Floating Islands System” : A Case Study of Medieval South Asia
  Zhang Fan
69 Bidirectional Disrespect, Non-Optimal Strategical Choice and the Formation of Crisis Impasse
  Yin Jiwu Jia Yuxian
106 How Science and Technology Agreements Affect Bilateral Relations: A Causal Analysis Based on a Difference-in-Differences Model
  Dong Zuozhuang
128 Institutional Environment, Knowledge Production and Sources of Authority in International Organizations
  Tang Bei Hu Heyang
156 Abstracts
