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Table of Contents
World Economics and Politics 2023,No.12
2024-05-29 10:14:00


2 On the Philosophical Foundation of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind: Based on the Comparison of Chinese and Foreign Cosmopolitan Community Thoughts
  Li Bin
22 Military Emissions on the Global Climate Governance Agenda: A Study Based on a Veiling International Agenda-Setting Perspective
  Yan Dexue Zhang Leran
51 Risks, Governance and Climate Finance of Multilateral Development Banks
  Chen Yunxuan Luo Tianyu
85 The Strength of Local Parties, Central-Local Coordination and the Cross-Border Water Conflicts: A Comparative Study on the India-Bangladesh Water Politics
  Quan Shi Sun Zhiqiang
114 The Limitations of Machine Learning in Conflict Prediction: A Discussion about Predictive Validity of the ViEWS
  Liu Chenhui Tang Shipping
144 For the Sake of Theory: Theorizing and Integrative Case Selection Strategies
  You Yu Chen Chao

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