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Table of Contents
World Economics and Politics 2024,No.5
2024-05-28 17:20:00


3 International Perspectives on Building the Modern Civilization of the Chinese Nation: Taking the Prominent Characteristics of Chinese Civilization as the Focal Point
  Xing Guangcheng
25 Co-Constructing Modern Chinese and African Civilizations: Ideological Basis, Epochal Significance and Practical Paths
  Li Xinfeng Gu Yaping Chen Along
48 A Study on the Focus-Field Methodology in Country and Area Studies
  Zeng Xianghong
78 Generative Power and Policy Convergence Among Members in Multilateral International Institutions: A Qualitative Comparative Analysis Based on Network-Level Effects
  Zhang Shengjun Ping Zeyu
103 The Logic of Networking US Asia-Pacific Security Architecture: A Study Based on Inferential Social Network Analysis
  Zhang Yao
132 Spatio-Temporal Constraints and the US Policy Selection of Arms Transfers to the Middle East Countries
  Luo Tianyu She Gangzheng
159 Abstract
