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Table of Contents
World Economics and Politics 2024,No.3
2024-05-28 16:52:00


3 National Security in a Turbulent World
  Tang Yongsheng  Yang Mingjie  Feng Zhongping  Zhu Feng  Yu Tiejun  Feng Weijiang
32 Transparency Crisis? International Compliance from a Bargaining Perspective
  Lu Xiao
68 Strategic Choices for Major Powers to Cope with Third-Country Crises: A Case Study of the Cold War Between the United States and the Soviet Union from 1946 to 1963
  Wang Ziyuan
94 The Analysis of the Generation Mechanism of the US' Minilateralism in the “ Indo-Pacific” Region
  Ye Xiaodi
127 The Aggregation of the “ Indo-Pacific” Maritime Super Security Complex
  Fan Jiarui
156 Abstract
