2 The Scholarly Interpretation of Whole-Process Cooperation and the Practical Logic of the Belt and Road Initiative
Xu Xiujun
27 Discursive Practice and the Construction of the Meaning of China’s “Responsible Power Identity” in the New Era
Zhao Yang
58 Regional Competition, Alignment Relationships and Asymmetric Statecraft
Huang Yuxing
83 Changes in Relations and Norm Feedback: A Case Study of Attitude Shifts Between China and the US Towards the Establishment of Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone
He Jiajie
117 Why Deep Reconciliation Between Japan and South Korea Is Difficult to Achieve: Power Distribution, Strategic Demands, and Interstate Reconciliation
Zhou Fangyin Zheng Xiaoyan
144 The Psychological Origins of Foreign Policy Orientation: A Comparative Study Based on the Foreign Policy Belief Systems of Chinese and American Netizens
Ma Deyong Lu Ming
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