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World Openness Report 2022
2024-08-13 15:30:00
World Openness Report 2022
Institute of World Economics and Politics, CASS & Research Center
for Hongqiao International Economic Forum
  Full report
   Retrospect and reflection: Economic globalization is encountering headwinds and a chilly spring
   Exploration and outlook: The spring dawn of world common openness is in sight
   Adherence to integrity and sense of responsibility: China’s high-level opening up forwards together with spring
   I. World openness index
   II. World openness: Specific indexes
   III. Regional openness index
   I. The problem of warrantedness of openness
   II. Typical case analysis of warranted openness
   III. Conclusions and policy implications
   I. Law of U-shaped openness evolution
   II. Causes of the U-shaped evolution law
   III. China’s opening-up process and law of evolution
   I. Global openness at a crossroads
   II. Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on global openness
   III. Promoting the positive evolution of globalization and common opening of the world
   I. The multilateral trading system faces profound restructuring
   II. Fruitful outcomes of the 12th WTO ministerial conference
   III. Progress in negotiations on WTO-related issues
   IV. Priorities for future global economic governance reform
   I. World openness being led by regional economic and trade cooperation
   II. RCEP promotes economic openness and integration in Asia-Pacific
   III. CPTPP promotes a new round of trade liberalization
   IV. Regional economic and trade cooperation should be inclusive and open
   I. The three major manufacturing hubs
   II. The global industry and supply chains reshaped
   III Challenges and opportunities facing China's manufacturing industry
   IV. Supply chain resilience in the process of globalization6
   I. The global financial openness landscape
   II. Status quo of china's financial openness
   III. Major events affecting global financial openness
   IV. Prospects for global financial openness
   I. Booming development of global digital openness
   II. Broad prospects of global green openness
   III. Trend of global digital and green openness
   I. Historic progress achieved in opening-up over the past decade
   II. Opening-up at a high level - A necessary part of the new development paradigm
   III. High-level opening-up helps foster a new pattern of development
   I. Making full use of the four platforms
   II. Creating a “demonstration window” for new development pattern
   III. Practicing true multilateralism
   IV. Promoting high-quality development of the CIIE
   I. Contribution of Belt and Road to multilateral development and international cooperation
   II. GDI builds global consensus on development
   III. Contributing more Chinese wisdom to global openness and cooperation
   I. Ranking of World Openness Index since 2008
   II. World Openness Index: 129 economies, selected years since 2008
   III. Brief Introduction to World Openness Index
   IV. Groupings of economies gauged by World Openness Index