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Data on World Openness Index
World Openness Index, 2008-2022
2024-08-14 15:04:00
World Openness Index, 2008-2022
  The Latest Version, November 5th, 2023
  The openness Index is based on a weighted composite score of 29 basic indicators. World Openness Index (2008-2022) is calculated as the openness index of 129 economies weighted by 2015 constant price GDP. The index calculated based on various groupings, including geographical regions, income levels, and economic-social-cultural factors, is also presented here.
  The concept, theory, indicator system, weights, and basic data of this index can be found in Chapters 1 to 3 and the Appendix of World Openness Report 2021, Chapters 1 and 2 and the Appendix of World Openness Report 2022, and Chapters 1 and 2 and the Appendix of World Openness Report 2023.
  The data published on this website is part of World Openness Report 2023, which was released at the Hongqiao International Economic Forum (HIEF) on November 5th, 2023. The openness index for 2021 and 2022 is initial release, and some of the 2022 openness index values for certain economies are estimates.
  There is some overlap between trade openness performance indicators and certain cultural openness performance indicators. When aggregating these two types of indicators, the research team has removed the overlapping portions. If readers aggregate these sub-indicators by themselves, the results may differ from the corresponding totals published in this table.
  The openness index for "China" does not include Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan.
  The openness index values for the 129 economies are arranged in alphabetical order based on the Chinese pinyin names of the economies.
  Historical values of World Openness Index will be revised as the related foundational data is updated.
  When citing World Openness Index values, it is recommended to use the following format:
  Institute of World Economics and Politics under Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Research Center for Hongqiao International Economic Forum (2023). World Openness Report 2023. Montréal: Royal Collins Publishing Group Inc.
  Institute of World Economics and Politics under Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Research Center for Hongqiao International Economic Forum (2022). World Openness Report 2022. London: Paths International Ltd., UK.
  Institute of World Economics and Politics under Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Research Center for Hongqiao International Economic Forum (2021). World Openness Report 2021. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press.