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Insights into China’s Developing Country Status
2019-10-10 15:54:00

China Economic Transition, Sep.2019, Volume2 No.3

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Insights into Chinas Developing Country Status

MA Tao


As the international status of China as a rising power has been growing rapidly in the past 40 years, along with remarkable achievements in economic growth, Chinas developing country status has been questioned by some Western developed countries. In January 2019, the US submitted to the WTO General Council the proposal An Undifferentiated WTO: Self-Declared Development Status Risks Institutional Irrelevance (WT/GC/W/757), presenting data arguing that China and some other developing countries had advanced to such an extent that they should be limited from being eligible for special and differential treatment and should give up their developing country status. During the WTO General Council meeting at the end of February, China and other developing countries hotly debated this issue with the US. China insisted that developing countries were confronted with mounting external tensions and their legitimate rights and interests in some international organizations and agreements had been constantly challenged. Against this background, it is critical to clarify Chinas ongoing status as a developing country. Only after the real divide between China and developed countries has been clarified can Chinas status as a developing country be secured.


Reasons why China is still a developing country



Changing trend of Chinas developing country status shown in economic and social indicators



Conclusion and policy recommendations
