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Consequential event
2023-08-03 14:35:00
Published 《China Daily》 Aug.1, 2023
Consequential event
Zou Zhibo
  Iran becoming a member of the SCO is of great significance not only to the country and the organization, but also to the development of a multipolar world.
  Iran was formally accepted as a full member of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization during the 23rd meeting of the Council of Heads of State of the SCO on July 4. Iran's SCO membership is of great significance for the upholding of multilateralism, international fairness and justice and the promotion of peace and development in Eurasia.
  First, Iran's SCO membership is an important manifestation of the world's development toward multi-polarization. The world's strategic landscape and international order are undergoing accelerated changes, and the development of multipolarity is becoming a prevailing trend. Iran's accession to the SCO, a multilateral organization primarily composed of Eurasian countries, increases the organization's influence in terms of population and its scope. Moreover, the organization's influence has also been further enhanced with Iran's significant geopolitical position and unique Persian civilization. What is more, Iran's accession has set the stage for more Eurasian countries, especially the Middle Eastern countries, to join the organization, with Saudi Arabia, Turkiye and Egypt having already expressed their desire to become SCO members. As a result, the SCO is expected to develop into a multilateral organization encompassing the entire Eurasian continent, playing an increasingly important, if not dominant, role in the region. This will empower developing countries in the global landscape, elevate their voices in international affairs, and effectively promote a multipolar world.
  Second, this signifies a significant advancement in multilateralism. The international situation is now entering a phase ridden with crises and challenges, with the world standing once again at a historical crossroads. In an attempt to maintain its waning global hegemonic status, the United States is pushing for so-called multilateralism while promoting the formation of exclusive groups and alliances, to create a "small yard with high fences", through blocs such as its security alliance with Australia and the United Kingdom, known as AUKUS, and the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue of Australia, India, Japan and the US. Washington has also strengthened its leadership of the G7 and the NATO, and formed ideology and values-based alliances, and a technology alliance to control the production of semiconductors and their supply chains.
  These efforts are marked by exclusivity, confrontation and selfishness, leading to divisions and antagonism worldwide. Such pseudo-multilateralism is counter to the true nature of multilateralism. Such actions, both in terms of concepts and actual practice, are legacies of the Cold War era. The SCO upholds the principle of equality and mutual benefit, and does not target any country. It is an open, inclusive, cooperative and win-win organization, one that practices true multilateralism. In the face of the headwinds of some countries vigorously building "small circles", Iran joining the SCO is a victory for multilateralism.
  Third, Iran's SCO membership marks the important progress in international fairness and justice. For many years, the US and other Western countries, relying on their military and economic strength and dominance over the international order, have frequently imposed blockades, sanctions, and suppression on other developing countries, causing heavy damages to the economies of developing countries and livelihoods of people in these countries. Their actions are the key factors leading to the plight facing these nations in their development and an embodiment for the unfairness and injustice in the international community. This situation is being changed with the rise of developing countries represented by emerging economies and developing countries' greater participation in global governance. Iran's accession to the SCO is a key milestone. Teheran has always been one of the main targets of US and Western sanctions, coercion, and isolation. Its economy and people's livelihood have always been difficult. However, under the coercion of the US and the West, it is difficult for the international community to help Iran out of its difficulties. After joining the SCO, Iran can get strong support from the organization, effectively resist the suppression and threats of the US, and enhance its security and development capabilities.
  Fourth, Iran's SCO membership marks a key outcome in promoting peace and development in the Eurasian region. The SCO was established out of security needs for combating the three forces of terrorism, separatism, and extremism. The organization later evolved to put equal emphasis on security and economic cooperation. Now it emphasizes all-round cooperation in the four fields of politics, security, economy, and people-to-people exchanges, aiming to promote the building of a community with a shared future on the Eurasian continent, seeking to promote peace, prosperity and good neighborliness.
  The accession of Iran and the ushering in of the accession process of other Middle East countries are of great significance to the peace and development of the Eurasian continent. First, it will help enhance the level of political and security cooperation and build a peaceful and stable Eurasian continent. The accession of Iran and the Middle Eastern countries will not only greatly enhance the SCO's ability to combat and contain the "three forces" of terrorism, separatism and extremism, but also greatly promote political mutual trust and security cooperation among countries in the region, thus helping promote peace and stability in Eurasia. Second, it will effectively elevate economic and energy cooperation and spur regional development and prosperity. Countries on the Eurasian continent have different characteristics and strengths in their development. It is crucial for regional development to give full play to their respective advantages and tap into the potential for cooperation. The accession of Iran, which boasts the world's fourth-largest oil reserves, and potential SCO membership for other oil-rich countries in the Middle East in the future will inject a strong impetus into the cooperation and development of Eurasia.
  There are different races, religions, cultures and civilizations in Eurasia, as well as historical conflicts and entanglements of interests. The SCO upholds the Shanghai Spirit featuring mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality, consultation, respect for cultural diversity and pursuit of common development. Iran's SCO membership and potential accession by other Middle East countries to the organization will help build mutual understanding and goodwill among peoples, and build harmonious international relations and a harmonious Eurasian continent.