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Member of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).

Member of National Political Consultative Conference

Senior Fellow. Ph. D of Economics.

Tel, Fax: (8610)65126180/6063;

Research Area:

International Political Economy


Bachelor in economics, Dept. of Economics, Beijing University, 1983

Master in economics, the Graduate School of CASS in 1986

Ph.D. in economics, the Graduate School of CASS in 1991

Work Experience:

1986-1997, research fellow, senior research fellow, assistant director, Institute of World Economics & Politics, CASS

1997-1999, consul at the Chinese Consulate General in New York City

1999-2002, secretary to the President of CASS for academic affairs

2000-present, professor of the Graduate School of CASS

2001.4-2003.1, Senior Fellow, deputy director, Institute of American Studies, CASS

2003.1-2007.8, Senior Fellow, deputy director, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CASS

2007.8-2009.7, Senior Fellow, director, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, CASS

2009.7-2024.7, director, Institute of Economics and Politics, CASS

2009.7-present, Senior Fellow, Institute of Economics and Politics, CASS


Selected Books in Chinese

1992, Economic Development and the Choice of Institutions

1998, A Shared Prosperity

2004, American Bullion and the Rise of Western Europe

2007, Globalization and China's Development

2008, International Economic Politics

Selected Papers in Chinese:

1995, Game for Deregulation: The Case of Creation of Unicom

1996, Interested Groups and Institutional Non-neutrality

1996, The Nature of State-owned Enterprises

1997, Interested Groups and Jiayi Theorem

1997, Fiscal Pressure and Institutional Change

1999, Dollarization: History, Theory, and Policy Implications

2003, Government Regulation and Deregulation in the US in 1990s

2004, The Initial Institutional Conditions and the Stagnation of the Ming China

2006, The Relationship between China and India within the Framework of Asian Economic Integration

2007, World Energy Structure and China's Energy Security

2008, The Nature of Money and the Monetary Cooperation in Asia