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XIONG Aizong
2019-12-20 11:00:00
XIONG Aizong
Ph.D in Economics, Senior Research Fellow
Director of Department of International Political Economy
Email: xiongaizong@163.com;Tel: 8610 85195771

  XIONG Aizong is a senior research fellow in Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). He has studied Economics at Xiamen University and obtained a Ph.D in Economics (2010). Dr. XIONG was as an assistant professor in School of Economics, Xiamen University from 2010 to 2011, and did two-years of postdoctoral research at Institute of International Economics in Nankai University from 2011 to 2013. His main research areas interest lie in the areas of global financial governance, including the international monetary system, global financial safety nets, and international financial institutions especially the IMF.
  Research Fields
  International Political Economy, International Monetary System, Global Financial Safety Nets, and International Financial Institutions especially the IMF.
  Educational Background
  Bachelor in economics, Hebei University of Technology, 07/2005
  Ph.D in economics, Xiamen University, 07/2010
  Work Experiences
  Assistant Professor, Department of International Business and Trade, Xiamen University, 07/2010-09/2011
  Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of International Economics, Nankai University, 09/2011-06/2013
  Assistant Research fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 07/2013-06/2019
  Senior Research Fellow, Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 07/2019-Now
  Selected Publication
  1. Aizong Xiong and Meibo, Huang. The Multi-currency Reserve System and the Stability of the International Monetary System: from a Money Supply Perspective. Studies of International Finance, 2010(9).
  2. Aizong Xiong and Meibo, Huang. Reform of the International Reserve Currency System: A Chinese Perspective. Economist, 2010(11).
  3. Aizong Xiong and Meibo, Huang. Dilemma and Outlet on the Reform of International Reserve Currency System. China Market, 2011(46).
  4. Aizong Xiong and Jinping Dai. European Debt Crisis and Multipolar International Monetary System. Social Sciences in Guangdong, 2012(6).
  5. Aizong Xiong. The International Monetary Fund’s Framework to Manage Capital Flows. Chinese Review of Financial Studies, 2016(4).
  6. Aizong Xiong. How to Improve the Global Financial Safety Net. Chinese Review of Financial Studies, 2017(3).
  7. Aizong Xiong. Political Economy Analysis of the Reform of the International Monetary Fund. Journal of World Economy, 2017(9).
  8. Xiong Aizong. What Caused IMF’s Forecast Errors? Analysis from Political Economy Perspective, China Economist, 2018, 13(6): 76-88.
  9. Aizong Xiong. The Impact of Global Trade Friction on International Monetary System. Studies of International Finance, 2019(3).
  10.Xiong Aizong and Gao Haihong. Regional Financial Arrangement and IMF Coordination: An Asian Perspective, in Kevin P. Gallagher and Haihong Gao edited “Building Back a Better Global Financial Safety Net”, Boston University, Global Development Policy Center, April 2021.
  11.Qiyuan Xu and Aizong Xiong. The Impact of Financial Sanctions on the International Monetary System, China Economic Journal, Volume 15, 2022 - Issue 3: Pages 253-262.
  International Conferences
  1. “How to Strengthen Cooperation among Global Financial Safety Nets”. The Sixth Asia Research Forum, Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization-Asian Multilateralism and Cooperation Forum, hosted by Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP) and Asia Research Center (ARC), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing, July 1, 2016.
  2. “How to Ensure the Adequacy of IMF Resources?” T-20 workshop on “Cooperation for Stability: Strengthening the Global Financial Safety Net”, hosted by Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and Global Development Policy (GDP) Center, Boston University, Beijing, June 4, 2018.
  3. “Adequacy of and Possible Options for Supplementing IMF Resources”. T-20 workshop on “Toward G20 Principles for International Mone tary Fund (IMF) Reform”, hosted by Global Development Policy (GDP) Center, Boston University, Institute for World Economics and Politics (IWEP), and the G-24 Secretariat, Boston, February 28, 2019.
  4. “Alternative or Complementary:How to Improve the Capacity of Surveillance of RFAs”. Workshop on “Leading by Design: Lessons from CMIM-AMRO for the Global Financial Safety Net” hosted by Global Development Policy (GDP) Center, Boston University and Kyoto University, Boston, March 1, 2019.
  5. “How to Improve the Global Financial Safety Net”. The Second Sino-Norwegian Symposium on Research within the Social Sciences, Humanities and Law, hosted by Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) and Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Oslo, November 19, 2019.