SU Qingyi
Ph.D. in Economics, Senior Fellow
Deputy Director of International Trade
Office Telephone: +(86)-10-85195774, Fax: +(86)-10-65126105
Email: mathe_sqy@163.com, suqy@cass.org.cn
SU Qingyi is a Senior Fellow and Deputy Director of Department of International Trade, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). His research field is theory and policy of international trade, mainly focusing on global value chains, free trade agreement, and China-US trade relations. He got his bachelor's degree in School of Mathematics, Shandong University, and got master's and PhD degree in Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (GSCASS). He once worked at China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) from July 2012 to December 2014. He publishes dozens of papers in peer reviewed journals, including Chinese top journal Economic Research Journal, and SSCI journal China & World Economy. He also writes more than two hundred policy and popular essays which published in newspapers and magazines, such as China Daily, Global Times. He is the author of the books " The Reform of the World Trading System" and " Global Value Chains".
Senior Fellow, Department of International Trade, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Nov. 2021-present
Senior Research Fellow, Department of International Trade, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Jun. 2015-Oct. 2021
Assistant Research Fellow, Department of International Trade, Institute of World Economics and Politics (IWEP), Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Jan. 2015-May.2015
Assistant Research Fellow, Department of Economic Research, China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE), July 2012-Dec. 2014
Ph.D in Economics, Department of World Economics and Politics, Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (GSCASS), July 2012
M.A. in Economics, Department of World Economics and Politics, GSCASS, July 2009
B.S. in Mathematics, Shandong University, July 2006
Global Value Chains, free trade agreement, China-US trade relations
“The Key Driver of China’s New Economic Development Pattern: A Major Power’s Flying Geese Paradigm”, China Economist, joint with Fenglong Wang, September-October 2021, pp. 104-131.
“Sectoral Linkage and Real Effective Exchange Rate: Theory and Evidence from China”, joint with Yingying Ma, Journal of World Economy (Chinese Journal), April 2021, pp. 128-150.
“The United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement: Characteristics, Impact and China’s Response”, joint with Jie Bai, International Economic Review (Chinese Journal), November 2020, pp.123-138. “How Will the Implementation of Zero Tariffs Affect Employment in China?”, China & World Economy, joint with Chengwei Zang, March 2020, pp. 123-142.
“Should China Join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership?”, International Economic Review (Chinese Journal), July 2019, pp.107-127.
“Tracing Value Added in China’s Exports at the Provincial Level”, Economic Research Journal (Chinese Journal), Jan. 2016, pp. 84-98.
Unveiling the Trans-Pacific Partnership: An Analysis of the Full Text, joint with Yan Dong, International Organisations Research Journal, 11 (4), 2016, pp.7-18.
“Re-evaluation of China's Position in International Division from the Dual Perspective of Technological Sophistication and Domestic Value Added”, Journal of Finance and Economics (Chinese Journal), Jun. 2016, pp. 40-51.
“The Fact and Evolution of Positions along Global Value Chains”, joint with Lingyun Gao, Statistical Research (Chinese Journal), December 2015, pp. 38-45.
“The Pollution Gases Embodied in China’s Export and Their Driving Factors——Studies based on Word Input Output Database”, Journal of International Trade (Chinese Journal), Sep. 2015, pp. 86-96.
“Do Environmental Regulations Influence the Comparative Advantage of Polluting Industries”, joint with Rui Xue, Industrial Economics Research (Chinese Journal), May 2014, pp. 61-70.
“Decomposing Determinants’ Contribution to Trade Structure: Theory and Evicence”, Journal of World Economy (Chinese Journal), June 2013, pp. 36-58.
“Income and Price Elasticities of China’s Export”, joint with Zhizhong Yao and Feng Tian, China & World Economy, Jan. 2013, pp. 91-106.
“The Specialization Road of China's Export and Its Growth Effect”, joint with Lingyun Gao and Luolin Wang, Economic Research Journal (Chinese Journal), May 2012, pp. 83-95.
“Industry Development and Emission Reduction under Growth and Carbon Constraints”, joint with Tao Ma, Yan Dong, and Lingyun Gao, Journal of World Economy (Chinese Journal), August 2011, pp. 19-43.
“Should China Join the CPTPP?”, in China’s Role in Global Governance (edited by Bin Zhang), Palgrave Macmillan, 2022.
“On Industrial Performance During the Global Recession” (joint with Lingyun Gao), Chapter 11, In “China’s Trade, Exchange Rate and Industrial Policy Structure” (John Whalley eds.), World Scientific Publishing Co., 2013.
(Updated: January 8, 2024)